More than 99% Pass the DMV Test. We will beat anybodies prices including coupon vouchers, and we have the lowest prices with the best professional training. Lesson plan is better than other Driving Schools. No yelling and no cursing to the students. The number one cause of death for teens in the United States is vehicles crashes.

We treat our students like a family.

We provide stick shift car training also!

Speeding is one of the most prevalent aggressive car crashes kill 5500 teens each year. First time teen drivers crash 4x more often than adult drivers. The leading cause for accidents with first time teen drivers is usually distractions such as cell phone, gps, and other information devices a leading cause of death.

The instructors are strictly non-smoking driving school is a once in a life time experience. The driving culture of Los Angeles, has more traffic than any other city in The United States. Within 3 hours of you driving in Los Angeles, you have already drove by around 23 million people.
Appointment Guarantee Next Day or Next Week only for New Students for First Lesson only.
Lessons provided from 9am to 7:30pm 7 days a week.

Our driving school is bonded licensed and fully insured CA DMV. College graduate professional instructors with a late model car with the latest advanced safety features.

Sign-up now! Start now!
Pay & RegisterThanks for visiting Life Safety Driving School. Our unique approach intents to help prepare for safe and enjoyable, professional,
and local driving Behind the Wheel Training to obtain DMV License and maintain it In the same way our uniquely qualified college graduate instructor
has provided behind the wheel driver training to thousands of males and females teens and adults of Ventura and L.A. Counties for so many years.
We have provided so many males, females, Teens and Adults Behind the Wheel Driver Training with lessons plan.
It seems stressful for teens, adults, and parents about choosing a Driving School. All other Driving Schools talk about lesson plans, Instructors, and vehicles but Life Safety Driving School is premier in all these and offers the lowest prices, and beats any discounts, vouchers, gift certificates, specials, and any % off if you add up.
As per CA DMV Selecting a Driving School Tips are:
It is important to have good communication between the Parents, Students and Instructor. Driver Education and Driving Behind the Wheel, well qualified professional Instructor and Safe Vehicle with all the advance safety features are essential in the this process. You will notice this all in our school highly qualified college graduate Professional Instructors, the vehicles, and lowest cost.
Compare tuition costs between driving schools and ask if there are any additional fees or charges.
Education Code Section: 41907 & 41918
“All Driving School Instructor should be Professionals, courteous, respectable and emphasize safety and integrity.”
Vehicle Code Section 11103
“A Driving School shall maintain bodily injury and property damage insurance and maintain safety and be mechanically good”.
Your local Life Safety Driving School carries more than that.

Another unique difference in our program is that we emphasize parental involvement of Teens and their parents. Our professional Instructor also informative to some parents for the last three years of Behind the Wheel Training, who were doctors, business CEO’s, lawyers, Teachers, law enforcements police officers, Asst. District Attorney, Engineers, Pilots, Scientist, Pharmacist, and some are from Amgen of Newbury Park. They were very much impressed with our instructor’s professionalism and good communicator to teach their sons and daughters. Some of them were nervous and they gained strength when they advanced in learning in an informative way in the 1st 2 hours lesson.
Our Professional Instructor successfully provided behind the wheel driving training to adults of all ages and foreign Nationals, International Driver License Holder, Employees, males and females, who are here in U.S on work visa mostly from India, China, Hong Kong, England, Israel, Phillipines, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Russia, who were Information Technology, Computer Engineers, Computer Programmers Scientist, doctors, Pharmacist, Accountants, and Nurses.
Our school believes that the most important thing to teach new driver teens and adults is how to react to different situation while driving, and how to avoid accidents and never get tickets by the Police Dept.
Our holistic approach focuses on a Comprehensive Lesson Plan but not limited to our each 2 hours lesson plan. The student can start with a 1 hour lesson because we understand that some students are nervous or busy in school homework and some schools only allow each 2 hour lesson. We will cover more than the following listed below:
You can get started with:
- 1 Hour Lesson.
- 2 Hour Lesson.
- You do not have to pay full amount in advance.
Behind the Wheel Driver Training
- Check and adjust safety features before driving
- Rules of the Road and Traffic Safety
- DMV Test Preparation and Pre-Test Preparation and Important Components of Car
- Fundamental Laws of DMV
- Swerving
- Object on the Road
- Nervousness while Driving
- Backing Straight along with curb
- Parallel Parking, Hills Parking and Curb Parking
- U Turns, Right Turn, Left Turn and Hand Signals
- Special Attention to Unprotected Left turn of Blind Spot
- When to give turn signal
- Lane Changing
- Use of Center Lane or Turn Lane
- Special Attention at Intersections
- Protection from Red Light Crossing Violators
- 3 Seconds Rule
- How to React in Yellow Light
- Double mindedness while turning
- Sudden Stop
- Fatigue Role while Driving
- Habits and Attitudes
- DMV Test Behind the Wheel Simulation of Test
- Defensive Driving especially
- Aggressive Driving Protection
- Driving in Rain and Fog
- Keep patient in Heavy and light Traffic
- Distance Judgment
- Freeway Driving Introductions
- Canyon Driving
- Tunnels Driving
- Night Driving
- Big role of Distraction from Cell Phone, Texting, eating, music and others
- How to react in Emergency
- Avoid Accidents and Tickets by the Police Dept
- Driving in the rain and fog
NOTE: Our Professional College Graduate, informative and friendly Instructor already have provided Behind the Wheel Driver Training to thousands of males and females students of the following High Schools, Public and Private High School, Universities, and other High Schools, , also Home Schooling Students. We respect all Students. Also went with the Students several times for DMV Test. Here is the list of some Schools:
- Thousands Oaks H. School, Thousand Oaks
- Westlake Village H. School, Westlake Village
- Newbury Park H. School, Newbury Park
- Oaks Christian H. School, Westlake Village
- Chatsworth H. School Chatsworth
- El. Camino H. School, Woodland Hills
- Taft H. School, Woodland Hills
- La Reina only Girls High School, Thousand Oaks
- Crispi only Boys High School, Encino
- Hillcrest Christian H. School, Thousand Oaks
- Malibu High School, Malibu
- Arbor Academy, Calabasas
- Oak Park H. School, Oak Park
- Sierra Canyon H. School, Chatsworth
- Adolfo Camarillo H. School, Camarillo
- Santa Susana H. School, Simi Valley
- Moorpark H. School, Moorpark
- Granada Hills Charter H School, Granada Hills
- Pierce College, Woodland Hills
- Kennedy H School, Granada Hills
- Champs Charter H. School, Van Nuys
- Conejos Valley High School, Newbury Park
- Royal High School, Simi Valley
- Stonebridge Preparatory School, Simi Valley
- Cleveland H. School, Reseda
- Birmingham H. School, Lake Balboa
- Notre Dame H. School, Sherman Oaks
- Moorpark College, Moorpark
- San Fernando Senior High School, San Fernando
- Francis Polytechnic Senior H. School, Simi Valley
- Monroe H School, North Hills
- New Valley Leadership Academy
- CSUN, Northridge
- Jewish High School, West Hills
- Sylmar H. School, Sylmar
- Community Charter Early College H. School Van Nuys
- Valley Village CA H. School, Valley Village
- Calabasas High School, Calabasas
- Community High School, Moorpark
- Channel Islands University, Camarillo
- Chaminade H. School, West Hills
- Agoura H. School, Agoura Hills
- Palisades Charter H School, Topanga
- Architecture Construction and Engineering
- High School (ACE) Camarillo
- Frontier High School, Camarillo
- Newbury Adventist Academy, Newbury Park
- Grace Brethern Jr. Sr High School, Simi Valley
- Reseda High School, Reseda
- Canoga Park High School, Canoga Park
- Northridge Academy High School, Northridge
- Panorama High School, Panorama City
- Bishop Alemany High School, Mission Hills
- Ivy Academia, Chatsworth
- Louisville High School, Woodland Hills
- Sherman Oaks High School, Sherman Oaks
- Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys
- Valley Glen High School, Valley Glen
- Apollo High School, Simi Valley
- Arleta High School, Arleta
- North Hollywood High School, North Hollywood
- Hart High School, New Hall, Santa Clarita, Valencia
- Home Schooling Students
We treat our students like family.